Hair Masks
Hair masks prepared by using all natural ingredients are very effective in defending their hair during the hot summers. Summer hair masks help in the fight against all these hair situation and provide protection against ultraviolet radiation. Dry hair, split ends, frizzy and brittle hair is the most common hair problem in this season.

Honey and Olive Oil Hair Mask
¼ cup Honey
Olive oil ¼ cup
First, heat the honey in a few seconds of flame. After extinguishing the burner add olive oil and mix well. Let the mixture cool to room temperature. Finally, on the scalp and hair gently with fingers.

Avocado Hair Mask
Avocado 1 piece (mature)
Honey 2 tablespoons
Coconut oil 2 tbsp
Jojoba oil or olive oil 2 tablespoons
Shea Butter - ¼ cup (melted)
Apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon

Egg yolk Hair Mask
Egg yolk 2 in number from two eggs
Honey 2 tablespoons

Remedy using cocoa butter
Take 1 / 2 cup cocoa butter and then soften in the microwave. Spread it on your hair, energetic work on the cocoa butter through the ends.

Use vinegar for Hair
Vinegar is used as a home remedy is to add luster to dull, dry hair. It helps to break down the building and serves to control the pH level of your hair.

Improvement of Ginger oil
Sesame oil is a natural sunscreen, while ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory and has been used for centuries to treat dandruff, so it's good to be used as a treatment for your hair.