SPONSORS Mood Fabrics 225 W. 37: e St., New York, NY 10018
Mood Fabrics Official Site
M & J Trimming 1008 sixth Ave., New York, NY 10018
M & J Trimming Official Site
PERSONNELDirector - James Ramey
Vice President - Michelle Christina Larsen
Production Coordinator / Music Director - Alicia lutes
PR and coordinators at Large - Pratt & Taylor Brittney PHEBUS
Parsons coordinator - Samuel Joseph Donovan
F.I.T. Coordinator - Chilali Mouradian Fernandez
FUSION 2011 Volunteer Adrian Sorok
Amanda Judge
Angelica De Castiglioni
Derek Nguyen
Divya Khandelwal
Katie Zimmerman
Marina Barraj
Noelle Quanu
Sarah Sperling
JUDGESFUSION 2011 JUDGES mary kate Stein Miller - Teen Vogue
David Yassky - Stylist and creator of theaislenewyork.com
Todd Thomas - Designer, Victoria's Secret
Daniel Feld - Designer and Project Runway alum
Peter Davis - Editor-at-large, Paper Magazine
DESIGNERSParsons The New School for Design
Andres Caballero
Anna Lesa Says
Athan Mytilinaios
Daniella Shin
Kim Kyungmin
Jonathan Fast
Julien Archer
Leonid Batekhin
Lesley Ho
Meghan Spielman
Michael Joobo Shim
Nicole Lindner
Sealgi Song
Victoria Hayes
Yajie Li
Fashion Institute of Technology
Alexa Wright
Michael Maiello
Violette Bora Nam
Corey Apploff
Woohyun Jang
Daniel Silverstain
Edwin Mohney
Grace Lee Jihye
Josh Stevens
Julia Filemyr
Maggie McGowan
Wonki Lee
Danielle Ridarick